Over 10,000 African-Americans were left homeless after the violence roused embittered whites to burn the Greenwood district of Tulsa. The incident was one of the deadliest episodes of racial violence to have occurred in the United States during the 20th century.

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King registered her concern that so many of the viewers of the new series had never even heard of the massacre, a bloodbath that claimed the lives of some estimate 100-300 of the African-American citizens working and residing around Oklahoma’s “Black Wall Street.” The episode begins by depicting the 1921 Tulsa, Oklahoma “Race Riot,” and in the early afternoon of October 21, King, who plays series’ protagonist Angela Abar, took to Twitter to respond to a trending hashtag: #tulsamassacre. Well, less than 24 hours after the Octopremiere of its first episode, “ It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice,” Regina King, the lead actress of Lindelof’s Watchmen offered an unequivocal answer to such questions. Ultimately, I wondered why should I care about Alan Moore’s Reagan-era nuclear anxieties in the age of Donald Trump’s authoritarian reality-show presidency? Why should I bother with Rorschach, Doctor Manhattan, Ozymandias, and Silk Spectre while Charlottesville, 4chan, the Alt-fucking-Right, and the resurgence of white supremacy and of the Klan hood loom over the entire country like a collective of sinister shadows?

Watchmen was a piece of its time, an artifact of the concerns that marked a different era in American history. So, I’ll confess that when HBO announced that it was producing a Watchmen series with showrunner Damon Lindelof at the helm, I greeted the news with an ambivalent yawn.

Martin Scorsese, 1976)? That Moore’s depiction of the dehumanizing and violent sex lives of vigilantes frightened me? That the book captured Cold War fears of nuclear annihilation more effectively than nearly any of the more “realist” texts of its day? It’s all been said before.
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What could I possibly have to say about such a groundbreaking, intricate, troubling text, anyway? That Rorschach represents an even scarier incel than Travis Bickel, the protagonist of Taxi Driver (dir. In the thirty years since then, I’ve taught Watchmen to college students countless times, but I’ve always resisted the urge to write about it.